
Kategorie: Verkehr: Helicopter:

Eintrag vom: 21.12.2013.

Hello Chinada I speak British English (BE). I think the choice is determined by several factors: I'd say arrived in if I had arrived well within the city frontiers and arrived at if the city was one of several staging posts on my journey particularly if I was in a train or some form of public transport.

Hi there conventionally do we say " take a flight " or " take a plane " ? Thank you very much.

Barque I take your first point but I'm afraid the second point is not really relevant. The logic for using "on" and "onto' is instead the fact that we can walk while we are inside/on a bus train plane ship etc. but not inside a car/taxi. That's why we use ' on ' for an aeroplane but ' in ' for a helicopter I think.

"He arrived on the helicopter that came in an hour ago." In the context you provided gengo I admit it doesn't sound funny because it conjures up an image of a large military size helicopter that does regular runs from A to B. Addition of "that came in an hour ago" suggests to me that there is a helicopter schedule. If it were a small 2-seater ...

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